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Note: The cheats here, once activated by the server, can be used by all the players in the game.  There are no wall hacks, headshot script or whatsoever.  The cheats here are 'clean'.


First of all, before any cheats can be used, sv_cheats 1 must be enabled.  This can be done by simply typing it in the console.  But you can only set this only if you are the server/admin.  Once that is done, change the map into another or even that map again.  This can be done my typing changelevel your-map-here .  For example, typing  changelevel de_dust will change the map will to De_dust.


Next, type the cheats you want to activate.  Below are the commands to type.  These cheats can be used by all the players in the game.


 Impulse 101
 - Get $16,000 
 Impulse 102
 - bones, and other human tissues will come out of nowhere 
 Sv_aim 1
 - When you zoom in with a rifle, the crosshair will immediately target the enemy.
 gl_zmax X
 - Change max to a number from 0-9999 to see through walls
 Iambert -1.0001
 - enables you to see brighter
 sv-cilenttrace 9999
 - enables hyper aim
 give X
 - change x to the weapon name to get that weapon for free
 Skin X
 - change x to the name of a model skin to have your skin changed into that

 - CS.net update
 - HL versions coming
 - de_torn review
 - New PB Versions
 - CS Cheating Video
 - CZ Idea's scrapped

 - CGW Condition Zero Preview

Which is your fave assault rifle?
Colt M4A1
SG552 Commando
Steyr AUG

Current results
 Weapon/Equip. Stats - Includes detailed Stats, damage and strategies.
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