Counter Strike, is a highly popular online first person
shooter. It is actually a Mod (modification) of Vavle
Software Half-Life. If you haven't got it, head on to to download the free mod. Yup you
head it, free. That's the best thing about
Oh yeah, if you
have been living in a cave, counter-strike is a game where two
teams (Counter-Terrorist, Terrorist) shoot it out tactically
with realistic weapons to try to accomplish a objective which
are usually Terrorist Activities or rescuing.
Of course, the
most probably reason people play counter-strike is because of
its weapons. Each weapon is unique and effective in
certain areas and what's more, they exist in real life.
Just as realistic, the guns can be inaccurate, and the players
can only survive a few shots just like in real life. But
with bullet proof vests and helmets, very thing changes
according to real life.
for this game is superb. Although its engine may be not
the best, texturing and lightning has always been tried to be
as realistic. Just like its sound. The player
models are really impressive, but the best are still the
Well, if
you haven't played Counter-Strike, i highly suggest you
should. You can download this mod for free or but the
Retail Version. If you decide to download it, you'll
need to have half-life. |
Facts |
- Developer |
Software |
Publisher |
Sierra |
- Genre |
Action, First
Person Shooter |
- Release Date |
November 3,2000 |
Requirements |
- Pentium 133 or higher |
- 24 Ram or
higher |
- SVGA Video
Mode |
- 400 Mb Of
harddisk space |
- Sound Card |
Requirements |
- 500 Mhz or
higher |
- 32 Mb of
Graphics Memory with 3D accerator |
- 64 Mb of RAM |
Support |
- Internet,
Local Area Network with Maximum 32 players |
Support |
- 3D sound
Support |