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Men With Guns - Main Page

Welcome to Men With Guns, Equipped With All Counter-Strike Stuff.  MWG is updated daily since it's launch on June 15.  This site is best viewed at 1024 x 768 resolution.

Latest Updates

News Updates For June 27, Wednesday, 2001
>>counter-strike.net update
Cs.net now have a new download.  Here's the post:
Anyone looking for the beta HL server files that were put out last week by Valve (6.22), look no further. Since Valve is having some ftp issues, we're loaning them mirrors for a bit. Here are the two files: Windows filename: hlds_beta_6_22.zip engine build: 1701 http://www.fileplanet.com/dl/dl.asp?counter-strike/hlds_beta_6_22.zip

Linux filename: engine_i386.so engine build: 1701 md5 sum: eecbb359e99072664f5231408b7b0309 http://www.fileplanet.com/dl/dl.asp?counter-strike/engine_i386.so

Click here to go to counter-strike.net

>>Official: New Half-Life Versions
Planet Halflife has posted news about the upcoming versions ( and  Here's the official press release:
Two Half-Life Updates Coming Soon Half-Life updates and will be released in the coming weeks. Update, which contains Deathmatch Classic and introduces new update/downloading functionality, will be issued next week. Update, which contains Voice and the Multicast Spectator technologies, and was previously referred to as, will be released in mid July. This update also contains a fix for the GL wall hack, and will be previewed at this week's CPL event in Dallas. The Voice and Multicast Spectator features will be compatible with all Half-Life Mods, and Valve will be supporting the Mod teams to have these features working immediately in popular HL Mods such as Day of Defeat and more.

This is great no more wall-hacks.  

 >>de_torn review
The Pad Network has written a new review for Crinity's upcoming map de_torn .  
Many maps in Counter-Strike are either for gameply, or realism. It is both difficult and time-consuming to create a map from the ground up that both plays well and brings you 'into the setting.' This is one of those rare maps that has a great blend of the two.

The attention to detail in which de_torn has is just amazing. From the layout, to the architecture, to the textures, torn is quality. As you first run around the map you can see how windows are cracked open, shutters have fallen off their hinges, signs are weathered, sidewalks have cracked. I have had this map for five days and I still find myself amazed at new details and objects that never noticed before.

Sounds only too good, click here to check it out.

 >>Site Stuff
There is no updates today.  I am very busy with school projects and work.  I'm am currently working on downloads and it should be up soon.

News Updates For June 26, Tuesday, 2001

Punkbuster (cilent) has a new version, 0.964.  Server Side version of Punkbuster has also been released.  Here are some of the new features for it:

  • Screenshot Capture Facility
  • the Logger Facility for collecting PB logs from many PunkBuster Servers in one place
  • the new ability to run multiple PunkBuster Servers on the same machine using different listen ports

Click here to go to the website to download it.

>>CS cheats video
Nextwish,org has released a video showing what the cheats for Counter-Strike can do.  It shows how the aimbot,  wallhack and other cheats work.  Go over and check it out at Nextwish.org or download the video here 
>>Condition Zero Idea's Scrapped
Remember the scans of the PWG's review of Condition zero?  Cliffe recently said that all ideas listed in the scans for the upcoming game is rejected.
>>Site Updates
I changed most of the pages so that it will fit nicely into a 800x600 res browser.  All the weapons have a nicer picture added to them.  Other updates include CS Model Info .  Oh yeah i am working on getting downloads for this site.

News Updates For June 25, Monday, 2001
>>Server Problems
I am unable to upload some files to the server due to server problems.  Tripod also seems to be slow.  I will try to find find hosts from another server.  
>>The boring site stuff
I've added a right bar.  It contains headlines of CS related news (YEAH not the boring site stuff) .   The right bar contains a poll, a Hot stuff link (I realized not many visitors knows MWG's nice Weapon/Equip Stats ), and a section to display pictures of new updates.  Tomorrow, i will make all the pages so that it will be as nice as it is on 1024 resolution.

News Updates For June 24, Sunday, 2001
>>Site Updates
For all you campers, i finished camp-spots for cs_militia and de_dust2
>>Counter-Strike Condition Zero Preview
CS @ PHL has scanned some pages from this month's Computer Gaming World which contains some info about Condition Zero.  Click here to check it out.
>>Silly Mistake
Something hit me yesterday and i forgot what day it was!!  The bottom few news should be of Saturday's but nevermind let them remain as today's. Haha.
Blazeeer has sent CS@PHL some pictures of his upcoming map, CS_Safran.  Although still in the make, CS_Sanfran already look nice!  Click here to go to CS@PHL to check it out.
>>Site Updates
I rewriiten the strategies for the Glock 18 and the M4A1 .  I also added spray pics to show how inaccurate or accurate they can be at long/short ranges.  I will be doing more of this soon i only did 2 today because my mom demanded that i go to the barber! Haha.
>>POD bot review
theFragile has written a review for the new POD bot for http://www.botepidemic.com/ . POD bot is one of the best bots i've ever played against.  
>>CS Rap by Noodle
Noodle has done a funny remix of the rap song "The Next Episode" .   Download it from Zeroping here.
>>Site Updates
Oh at last!  I finished the damage tables for the weapons!  Special thanks goes to BloodKn][ght for letting me shoot him at different parts of his body to get my results.  We started on this even before this site was uploaded into the net.  Oh yeah, go to the Weapon/Equip. Stats to check it out!

News Updates For June 23, Saturday, 2001

>>Condition Zero Preview

Prime Meridian has a preview of Counter-Strike's upcoming single-player game, Condition Zero.  Here's a titbit

Counter-strike: Condition Zero can be summed up to three words: extreme expansion pack. Not only does this game add on 11 new weapons and equipment pieces, 16 around-the-world missions, a new class of counter-terrorist to choose from (Russian Spetznaz), an enhanced spectator mode, voice over IP technology, the ability to create weapon/item favorite scripts for buying, and medal icons for high scorers, it also come with "a single-player game that captures the grit, realism, and cooperative play of the Counter-strike online experience," says Eric Johnson, the project manager at Valve.

Cool Huh?  Click here to check it out.


>>Valve Interview

Sebastianof CS@PHL is planning to interview Vavle as there are so many questions to be asked about Condition Zero and CS2.  If you have any questions that you would like to ask email Sebastian at sebastian@planethalflife.com .


>>Site Stuff

I've opened up the CS Downloads Guide and have finished the sites that offer Skins/Models .  Click here to check it out.  


>>Problem With Server Fixed

I've spent hours into the night fixing a problem with the server.  Although it is not 100% fixed, most of the pages should be alright and should be viewable at 800 x 600 and 1024 x 768.  Sorry for any inconvienice caused. 


News Updates For June 20, Wednesday, 2001

>>Site Updates

Camping spots for militia is complete.  Click here to check it out. 

>>New Article

|Animus-Nine| at www.counter-strike.dk has written an article about cheating and what is done to prevent it.  Read it here.


News Updates for June 19, Tuesday, 2001

>>CS turns two

Accoding to CS Nation, today is Counter-Strike's second birthday.  In these 2 years, Counter-Strike has grown from 400 players to millions of players worldwide.  Unbelievable but true and to think  Counter-Strike is still going strong when it should be starting to die.  Wonder what will CS be like a year down the road.


>>Interview with the guy behind CS cheats

3D Action Planet  has tracked down the xqz2 who made the wallhack, aimbot and other cheats.  Head over here to check it out.


>>New Version of Punkbuster has been reviewed

Punkbuster 0.962 has been released.  Head over to http://www.punkbuster.com to download it. 


>>New Articles At Counterstrike Center

Counter-Strike Center has 2 new articles.  The first is about features that future versions of Counterstrike may have.  It is written by Trooper and head here to check it out.  The second wriiten by Eggs, is entited "Do maps favour one team" and is about whether some maps favour one team better.   


>>Site updates

I've finished camping spots for cs_assault.  Head here to check it out.  Men With Guns is now competing in www.cstop50.com .  Give MWG your support by visiting this site everyday.  Notice the new banner.


Site updates

Completed more stuff:

- console commands

- Started on Camping Spots

- Camping spots for de_dust

- Equipment Stats done

- Other minor changes


Site Launched
Yeah, the title says it all.  I'm trying to complete this site as soon as possible and if you think you can help just mail me @ skyrunner@pacific.net.sg  .  Yeah, some of the stuff are complete and you can have a look at them.  



 - CS.net update
 - HL versions coming
 - de_torn review
 - New PB Versions
 - CS Cheating Video
 - CZ Idea's scrapped

 - CGW Condition Zero Preview

Which is your fave assault rifle?
Colt M4A1
SG552 Commando
Steyr AUG

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 Weapon/Equip. Stats - Includes detailed Stats, damage and strategies.
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