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Map Reviews


  Italy is one of the most beautifully carved map.  Not only that, it is also fun to play and has many different routes and tricks.  It is a fun map to play and is hard to get bored of it.  The hostages are located at the Terrorist spawning point in a house, which is northeast of the Counter-Terrorist spawning area.   This map is fun to play as there are little extra things u can do like killing the chickens and blowing up the radio.

   The key to winning for this map is cooperation especially for the Counter-Terrorists.   There are many diffrent routes to the Hostage room and it works best if all the team stick together.  I have seen a large group of counter-terrorists going by the cellar and taking out the 3 by 3 terrorists guarding diffrent points. 

    For counter-terrorist, experiment with the diffrent routes to the base.  You have a two way route when you start.  You can split your team into two groups and meet up at the hostage room.  If one group doesn't survive, the other group can do the work.

    For Terrorists, stay and guard the spawning area.  Guard the door from the balcony, the stairs and the long tunnel.  Get some snipers up there in the hostage room to guard the tunnel and a few close range players to guard the stairs.  You can defend the door with a few terrorists.  If you find any counter-terrorists there, throw a flash and raid inside it.

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   DigiChaos & GlenC.
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